Recently, the Shamshabad airport was abuzz with a startling incident, it happened to be the discovery of a revolver from the film couple Dr Rajasekhar and his wife Jeevitha who were on their way to catch a flight for Chennai. During security checks, the revolver was uncovered and then Jeevitha is said to have come up with some dumb explanation.
However, they had to go through certain formalities before carrying on with their journey but then this incident has actually given rise to few speculations as to what could be the cause for such a silly thing to happen and here is something that one of our reliable birdies had to say.
Apparently, this was more of a cheap publicity stunt by Rajasekhar to show that even he carries a weapon along with him and how can one forget the ridiculous incident of Pawan Kalyan walking with a gun in hand during the CMPF issue. Strange are the ways of the film folks some times!!!
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