Mumbai: Actor Salman Khan has had enough of Shah Rukh Khan and is no longer interested in patching up with the Badshah. “We are two different individuals with different perspectives. I used to like him a lot, but things have changed. We do not see eye-to-eye now,” Salman told reporters on Sunday night, on the sets of his newly-launched film Veer at Mehboob studios.
His remarks come amid reports of a nasty verbal duel between the two Khans at a party on July 16, which Salman had organized for girlfriend Katrina Kaif ’s birthday. Almost the entire industry was there, including Shah Rukh and Aamir Khan. Towards the end when most guests had left, an altercation reportedly broke out between Salman and Shah Rukh over their respective TV shows — Dus Ka Dum and Kya Aap Paanchvi Pass Se Tez Hain. SRK stormed out of the party with wife Gauri and friend Karan Johar in tow. Aamir tried to intervene but the two Khans were in no mood to make up.
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