Ram Gopal Varma loves to hit back. And this time he does so on some of the viewers themselves who weren't quite pleased with his effort in CONTRACT. Read on:
1. Words can make you or break you – at least that was what I was taught in grammar school.
Ans: I was bad at school and worse at grammar.
2. If only ideas and thoughts matter what is the logic behind “A film by Ram Gopal Varma’s” in the end.
Ans: I love to see my name on screen.
3. If you don’t need acknowledgement and perception, why do you seek attention?
Ans: I am like a kid.
4. Why do only stars get paid bundles and not the people who worked behind?
Ans: Money is never paid to talent or work. It’s paid to the names who get people to buy tickets.
5. Are you a follower of Ayn Rand’s objectivism philosophy?
Ans: Yes. But I rarely apply it.
6. I believe it takes more faith and persistence to become an atheist.
Ans: I really think that is a wonderful observation.
7. Do you read only crime sections in newspapers?
Ans: I definitely don’t read articles on politics and social welfare, and yes, I love watching pictures of sexy babes too.
8. What was the budget of Kaun?
Ans: Rs.75Lakhs shot in 12 days.
9. Why does an army man in Contract listen to a terrorist ranting about his purpose?
Ans: Because he found it interesting and that’s the point of the film.
10. In Contract why is a kid perched on the Commissioner’s desk?
Ans: I just called her and asked her and she told me that the kid is her younger sister’s son who came for holidays.
11. The lawyer Bhansali beats up an invisible woman.
Ans: She is not invisible. She is off the frame and that was intended to capture the kind of man Bhansali is.
12. Why is the gangster permanently stationed at sea with a family of intelligence officers and spice girl?
Ans: Either pay more attention or ask another viewer with more brains or better still don’t watch my films in future.
13. How can the protagonist finish off the entire gang in a jiffy?
Ans: It’s not in a jiffy. If you noticed it was shot in a suspended time.
14. Who killed R.D and the Home Minister?
Ans: The point was to leave a doubt in the audience’s mind which would be more interesting than to clearly tie-up all the loose ends.
15. Why did you engage in blasphemy by calling Contract a trilogy after Satya and Company?
Ans: I didn’t. The media dubbed it as a trilogy. I was only trying to highlight the variance in the concepts.
16. Contracts requires serious trimming?
Ans: Where?
17. What was Shama Sikander doing in the so-called item number in the party sequence?
Ans: Dancing.
18. Why did you make a film like Contract?
Ans: That is a secret.
19. Not bad… is not good enough.
Ans: Point taken.
20. Next time I will wait for one of those pathetic critics to review your film before I rush to see it.
Ans: That just explains how much more pathetic you are.
21. Who keeps financing you after you keep making such turkeys?
Ans: The same people who will never finance you for the classics you are planning to make.
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