Actress Rekha who has gone through a series of name changes made a smashing debut with her film 'Anandam' but then she has not been able to take off with her career and most of her films bombed at the box office. After that, Rekha seemed to have gone into a recluse of sorts and was not to be seen for quite a while at least in the Telugu industry.
But now she is back and beware she seems to be in a mood to prove a point that she has enough material in her to make heads turn and tongues roll out. Rekha has now changed her name to Akshara and will soon be seen in the film 'Ninna Nedu Repu' wherein she is pairing up with hero Ravikrishna and the film is being directed by Laxmikanth Chenna.
It is heard that the dusky beauty has come out with some of the sexiest scenes possible and it would not be an exaggeration to say that she has gone almost nude in few scenes. The stills from the movie which have already generated a lot of craze show Rekha in authentic Kamasutra poses and this goes without saying that the film will get a pure 'A' certificate.
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