Dr Rajasekhar, who achieved the ‘angry young man’ title with his films earlier, had no notable hits to his credit in the recent past. However, his last film ‘Yevadaithe Naakenti’ gave him life again as an artiste. After the success of that film, Dr Rajasekhar started getting good offers. In this backdrop, Dr Rajasekhar planned to bring out a new movie on his own and Jeevitha Rajasekhar would direct the movie. It is worth mentioning here that the film is the remake of a successful Bollywood film ‘Khakhi’.
The film is likely to go to sets on June 14. Both Jeevitha and Rajasekhar met the Chief Minister, Dr Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy recently and invited him to the inaugural of the film and the latter accepted their invitation. The most interesting points to be noted here is that Sivaji, got the opportunity to play another hero (the role played by Akshay Kumar in the original), while Shraddha Arya was selected to play the heroine (the role played by Aiswarya Rai in Khakhi).
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