Four years ago, Ram Gopal Varma had scrapped his plan of making a film on Veerappan after the forest brigand’s death. Now, the maverick filmmaker is set to revive the project again.
According to a source, while the previous project was about hunting for Veerappan, the revived one will chronicle the life of the forest bandit and his ugly end in a shootout encounter with Special Task Force in 2004.
Ramu had reportedly been toying with the idea of making this film for some time. But the project got a real lease of new life after Ektaa Kapoor of Balaji Films offered to co-produce the film.
Reports say Ekta saw the rushes of Ramu’s upcoming films Sarkar Raj and Contract . She was pretty impressed by the filmmaker’s realistic style and asked him if he had any other story in mind based on a real-life character.It was then Ramu discussed with her his project on Veerappan. Ekta was apparently so impressed with a brief narration Ramu gave her that she agreed to co-produce the film for him. Not just this, Ekta has reportedly given Ramu a free hand at the budget as she wants the film to be made on a lavish scale.
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