Hero NTR was the chief guest for the audio launch of Ram and Genelia's Ready directed by hotshot director Sreenu Vaitla. NTR who has just delivered commercial hit with Kantri unveiled the first audio CD of the film. Veteran producer D Ramanaidu launched the audio cassette and handed over it to hero Tarun who is another star guest. From the cast and crew - producer Sravanthi Ravi Kishore, Brahmanandam, music director Devi Sri Prasad, and Seetarama Shastry attended the function. While hero Vishnu, Tamanna, Dil Raju, M S Raju, Koti, Trivikram Srinivas and Parachuri Brothers graced the ceremony as the guests.
NTR wished the team all the best and praised Devi Sri Prasad for delivering chartbusters consistently. "Ram's powerhouse performance, Devi's energetic music and Sreenu Vaitla’s entertaining narration guarantees the film’s success. I will be waiting the call from producer Sravanthi Ravi Kishore for the 100 days gala," he wished.
Hero Ram thanked the guests and said he would live up to all the expectations.
"Director Sreenu Vaitla is a good friend to me. Even before Anandam, our first combination, happened, we used to discuss music and have sittings together. We have good musical hits in the past. This album will be bigger hit than all of them. I could not compose for his last two films. I missed working with him," Devi Sri Prasad said.
"With Devi helming the music department, one should not worry about. He always gives best. For Jalsa, all I had done was going to Suresh Guest house and listening to his tunes and returning humming with them. I am sure he has given best songs for this film too. I had just seen Sreenu Vaitla’s Venky this morning on a TV channel and it eased my tensions and headache. He is fantastic director," Trivikram praised.
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