The shooting of V.N.Aditya's film 'Rainbow' is going on in full swing. The film stars Rahul, Sonal Chowhan and Sindhu Menon in lead roles. V.N.Aditya is the director as well as the producer of this film. As the name of the film implies 'Rainbow' promises to be very colorful. The theme of the film revolves around a love story. The director feels that the feeling that love brings into a human being is more colorful that a rainbow. The story focuses on a couple totally in love. When the director narrated the story that he had created to his friends, they encouraged him to film it, and that is how 'Rainbow' happened. The director promises that the film will have good story and music. He has also taken care that the movie appeals to all the sections of people both young and old. Balabhadrapathruni Ramana has penned the story of this film which has been scripted into a film by Paruchuri Brothers. Nihal a new music director has been born with this film and Santhosh Srinivas is handling the camera for this film. We will get you the latest updates happening on the Tollywood front, so be tuned in! |
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